Sacramental Healing
old legend tells that after the Resurrection, the Blood
of Christ began to glow, and finally became Light. A
Native American legend tells that when the Risen Christ
walked the land, the medicine plants sprang up where His
Blood touched the earth.
The Cherokee word for medicine, healing therapy, and religion
are the same: nvwoti, literally, "it
We understand the Body of Christ as all healing medicines
and practices that relieve human suffering, whether physical,
emotional, or spiritual.
About the Native American Church
The Native
American Church was incorporated in 1918 with the vision
that all races and all peoples have the inalienable right
and freedom to seek out the truest forms of American Native
indigenous healing. Healing at all levels of human endeavor;
spiritual, emotional, mental and physical, is our God given
heritage, our Divine birthright given to every soul by Creator.
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